These are the docs for the Metabase master branch. Some features documented here may not yet be available in the latest release. Check out the docs for the latest version, Metabase v0.52.


/api/card endpoints.

Delete the publicly-accessible link to this Card.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

DELETE /api/card/:id

Hard delete a Card. To soft delete, use PUT /api/card/:id.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

GET /api/card/

Get all the Cards. Option filter param f can be used to change the set of Cards that are returned; default is all, but other options include mine, bookmarked, database, table, using_model, using_metric, using_segment, and archived. See corresponding implementation functions above for the specific behavior of each filter option. :card_index.


  • f nullable enum of archived, table, using_model, bookmarked, using_segment, all, mine, using_metric, database.

  • model_id nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

GET /api/card/:card-id/params/:param-key/search/:query

Fetch possible values of the parameter whose ID is :param-key that contain :query.

;; fetch values for Card 1 parameter 'abc' that contain 'Orange';
 GET /api/card/1/params/abc/search/Orange

Currently limited to first 1000 results.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • param-key value must be a non-blank string.

  • query value must be a non-blank string.

GET /api/card/:card-id/params/:param-key/values

Fetch possible values of the parameter whose ID is :param-key.

;; fetch values for Card 1 parameter 'abc' that are possible
GET /api/card/1/params/abc/values.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • param-key value must be a non-blank string.

GET /api/card/:id

Get Card with ID.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • ignore_view nullable boolean.

  • context nullable enum of :collection.

GET /api/card/:id/dashboards

Get a list of {:name ... :id ...} pairs for all the dashboards this card appears in.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

GET /api/card/:id/query_metadata

Get all of the required query metadata for a card.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

GET /api/card/:id/series

Fetches a list of comptatible series with the card with id card_id.

  • last_cursor with value is the id of the last card from the previous page to fetch the next page.
  • query to search card by name.
  • exclude_ids to filter out a list of card ids.


  • id integer.

  • last_cursor nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • query nullable value must be a non-blank string.

  • exclude_ids nullable function.

GET /api/card/:id/timelines

Get the timelines for card with ID. Looks up the collection the card is in and uses that.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • include nullable must equal events.

  • start nullable value must be a valid date string.

  • end nullable value must be a valid date string.

GET /api/card/embeddable

Fetch a list of Cards where enable_embedding is true. The cards can be embedded using the embedding endpoints and a signed JWT.

GET /api/card/public

Fetch a list of Cards with public UUIDs. These cards are publicly-accessible if public sharing is enabled.

POST /api/card/

Create a new Card. Card type can be question, metric, or model.


  • entity_id nullable value must be a non-blank string.

  • visualization_settings Value must be a map.

  • parameters nullable sequence of parameter must be a map with :id and :type keys.

  • dashboard_id nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • description nullable value must be a non-blank string.

  • collection_position nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • result_metadata nullable value must be an array of valid results column metadata maps.

  • collection_id nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • name value must be a non-blank string.

  • type nullable enum of :question, :metric, :model.

  • cache_ttl nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • dataset_query Value must be a map.

  • parameter_mappings nullable sequence of parameter_mapping must be a map with :parameter_id and :target keys.

  • display value must be a non-blank string.

POST /api/card/:card-id/persist

Mark the model (card) as persisted. Runs the query and saves it to the database backing the card and hot swaps this query in place of the model’s query.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

POST /api/card/:card-id/public_link

Generate publicly-accessible links for this Card. Returns UUID to be used in public links. (If this Card has already been shared, it will return the existing public link rather than creating a new one.) Public sharing must be enabled.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

POST /api/card/:card-id/query

Run the query associated with a Card.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • parameters

  • ignore_cache nullable boolean.

  • dashboard_id nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • collection_preview nullable boolean.

POST /api/card/:card-id/query/:export-format

Run the query associated with a Card, and return its results as a file in the specified format.

parameters should be passed as query parameter encoded as a serialized JSON string (this is because this endpoint is normally used to power ‘Download Results’ buttons that use HTML form actions).


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • export-format enum of csv, api, xlsx, json.

  • parameters nullable value must be a valid JSON string.

  • pivot_results nullable value must be a valid boolean string (‘true’ or ‘false’).

  • format_rows nullable value must be a valid boolean string (‘true’ or ‘false’).

POST /api/card/:card-id/refresh

Refresh the persisted model caching card-id.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

POST /api/card/:card-id/unpersist

Unpersist this model. Deletes the persisted table backing the model and all queries after this will use the card’s query rather than the saved version of the query.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

POST /api/card/:id/copy

Copy a Card, with the new name ‘Copy of name’.


  • id nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

POST /api/card/collections

Bulk update endpoint for Card Collections. Move a set of Cards with card_ids into a Collection with collection_id, or remove them from any Collections by passing a null collection_id.


  • card_ids sequence of value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • collection_id nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

POST /api/card/from-csv

Create a table and model populated with the values from the attached CSV. Returns the model ID if successful.


  • raw-params

POST /api/card/pivot/:card-id/query

Run the query associated with a Card.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • parameters

  • ignore_cache nullable boolean.

PUT /api/card/:id

Update a Card.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • delete_old_dashcards nullable boolean.

  • body map where {:name (optional) -> , :parameters (optional) -> <nullable sequence of parameter must be a map with :id and :type keys>, :dataset_query (optional) -> , :type (optional) -> <nullable enum of :question, :metric, :model>, :display (optional) -> , :description (optional) -> , :visualization_settings (optional) -> , :archived (optional) -> , :enable_embedding (optional) -> , :embedding_params (optional) -> , :collection_id (optional) -> , :collection_position (optional) -> , :result_metadata (optional) -> , :cache_ttl (optional) -> , :collection_preview (optional) -> , :dashboard_id (optional) -> }.

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