These are the docs for the Metabase master branch. Some features documented here may not yet be available in the latest release. Check out the docs for the latest version, Metabase v0.52.


API endpoints for Cache.

DELETE /api/cache/

Delete cache configurations.


  • model enum of root, database, dashboard, question.

  • model_id vector of value must be an integer greater than zero.

GET /api/cache/

Return cache configuration.


  • model Type of model.

  • collection Collection id to filter results. Returns everything if not supplied.

  • id Model id to get configuration for.

POST /api/cache/invalidate

Invalidate cache entries.

Use it like /api/cache/invalidate?database=1&dashboard=15 (any number of database/dashboard/question can be supplied).

&include=overrides controls whenever you want to invalidate cache for a specific cache configuration without touching all nested configurations, or you want your invalidation to trickle down to every card.


  • include All cache configuration overrides should invalidate cache too.

  • database A list of database ids.

  • dashboard A list of dashboard ids.

  • question A list of question ids.

PUT /api/cache/

Store cache configuration.


  • model enum of root, database, dashboard, question.

  • model_id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • strategy map where {:type -> <enum of :nocache, :ttl>}, and one of <:nocache = map where {:type -> } | :ttl = map where {:type -> <must equal :ttl>, :multiplier -> , :min_duration_ms -> } with no other keys> dispatched by :type.

  • config

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